CFP for Contributions to a Panel on Cusanus and the Hussites

Sponsored by the American Cusanus Society

The 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies

Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI)

May 14-17, 2015


The American Cusanus Society will sponsor a session entitled: Cusanus and the Hussites. The session commemorates the sixth centennial of the condemnation and burning of Jan Hus at the Council of Constance (burned July 6, 1415). Papers are solicited on the trial of Hus and his posthumous reputation, the negotiations of the Council of Basel with the Hussites, and the engagement of Nicholas of Cusa with these issues, as participant in the council and as papal legate for Germany.

Please send a title and a brief abstract to the attention of:

Dr. Thomas Izbicki

Treasurer of the American Cusanus Society